Design nail
Trending Press on Nail
The time-saving beauty trend is becoming a popular trend. Products that are easy to use and do not cause much negative impact on natural nails are very popular.
Looking beautiful for your “big day”
Wedding Nails
Depending on the outfit and space for the wedding/engagement/engagement ceremony, brides will choose appropriate nail sets. It will usually be designed according to the nail form and color based on the preferences and personality of each bride.
- Custom designed for you
- Create highlights with stone charms
- Special and impressive

Holiday Nails
– Update the most trendy models: Tet, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Holidays…
– Create samples based on customer requirements
– Completion time: 5-7 days from the date of closing the customer’s request
– The main color tones are based on the year’s events, red tones are used a lot for Tet and Mid-Autumn Festival; Snow white tone is used to represent Christmas nail designs.
- Continuously update hot models
- Unleash your creativity
- Consulting upon request
Your Favourite Cartoon Characters
Cartoon models are shown through drawings of famous cartoon characters, main nails such as thumbs or alternating drawings depending on the customer’s request.
- Bring youthfulness and dynamism
- 3D embossed drawing with shaping gel
- Colorful embossed charm decoration

all eyes on you
Nail Events
For large events of businesses and event organizers: Fundraising events, fashion events, auction events,…
- Bring youthfulness and dynamism
- 3D embossed drawing with shaping gel
- Colorful embossed charm decoration
Do you want to experience the service?
Please contact Tiffany Beauty Box today for advice and to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. With a team of experienced beauty experts, we are committed to bringing you satisfaction and confidence with perfect beauty.